HomeCultureA Guide to Wishing Someone a Happy Birthday in Farsi

A Guide to Wishing Someone a Happy Birthday in Farsi


Happy Birthday in Farsi

A Guide to Wishing Someone a Happy Birthday in Farsi

Welcome to our guide on how to wish someone a happy birthday in Farsi! Farsi is a language spoken in many countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia. It is an ancient language with a rich cultural heritage and showing someone, you care by wishing them a happy birthday in their language is a great way to honor their culture. This guide will provide you with the essential information you need to ensure your birthday wishes are well received. So read on to learn how to make your Farsi-speaking friends or family feel extra special on their birthdays!


Happy Birthday in Farsi

Special Greetings

The Persian language, also known as Farsi, is full of rich and colorful expressions to express greetings and congratulations. As with many other languages, Farsi is full of unique and delightful idioms and phrases that show respect and appreciation. In particular, Farsi has a variety of special greetings and phrases to express congratulations and good wishes.

The most common greeting in Farsi is “Salam” which translates to “Hello”. This is an all-purpose greeting used in various social contexts and is appropriate to use when meeting someone for the first time or whenever you see them. It is customary to add “Khubi?” or “how are you?” after saying salam to convey a sense of respect and concern.

Another common greeting is “Bargharar Bashi” meaning “may you be steadfast”.

The phrase “Mubarak Bashe” is also used to express congratulations. It is often used when congratulating someone on an accomplishment such as a job promotion or an exam result.

From formal greetings to expressions of approval, a variety of phrases can be used in various social contexts. Whether wishing someone luck or expressing admiration for an accomplishment, these phrases will surely convey your feelings.

How Do You Say “Happy Birthday” in Persian?

In Persian, there are many ways to say “Happy Birthday” to someone. The most commonly used phrase includes “Tavalodet mobârak” (happy birthday), and “Tavalodet Mobârak bâd” (may your birthday be blessed). This phrase is very common in Iranian culture and is even used in popular Iranian songs. These wishes are simple yet meaningful, and they are a great way to show that you are aware of the traditional Farsi culture.

Other common phrases used to say “Happy Birthday” in Persian are:

  • Rouz e Tavalodet Mobarak
  • Tavalodet Mobarak be Salamati: Happy Birthday with Health
  • Sad Sal Zende Bashi: Live a hundred years!
  • Behtarin ha Ra Barat Arezoo Mikonam: I wish you all the best

No matter which phrase is used to say “Happy Birthday” in Persian, it is sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone being wished a happy birthday. It is a sign of love and respect and shows that the person sending the wishes cares about the person receiving the wishes. Saying “Happy Birthday” in Persian is a great way to show your appreciation and love for someone, no matter how far away they may be.

Happy Birthday in Farsi

Cultural Tips

In addition to traditional and modern Farsi birthday wishes, there are also a few cultural tips that you should keep in mind when wishing someone a happy birthday in Farsi. Firstly, giving gifts is a common way to show your appreciation for the person you are celebrating. Popular gifts include sweets, flowers, and books. Secondly, Farsi-speaking cultures have a variety of celebrations associated with birthdays, such as singing, dancing, and eating traditional dishes. By taking part in these celebrations, you can show your respect for the culture and make the birthday even more special.



Farsi-speaking cultures also have a variety of celebrations associated with birthdays. These celebrations usually involve singing, dancing and eating traditional dishes. Singing is a popular way to express joy and happiness; traditional Farsi songs are often sung during birthday celebrations. Dancing is also an important part of Farsi culture and is often done to add an extra layer of joy and excitement to the celebration. Finally, traditional dishes like kebab, rice and stew are often served during birthday celebrations as a way to show respect and honor the person being celebrated.



We hope this guide has helped you to better understand how to wish someone a happy birthday in Farsi. By using the traditional and modern Farsi birthday wishes, as well as the cultural tips for gifts and celebrations, you can make sure your birthday wishes are well received and appreciated. So go ahead and make your Farsi-speaking friends and family feel extra special on their birthdays!

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